Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu

Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu is the author of the bestselling novel The Theory of Flight, winner of the 2019 Sunday Times Fiction Prize and currently a school set work, followed by The History of Man. In 2022, The Quality of Mercy was released, which completes the trilogy.  

Siphiwe was awarded the Yale University’s Windham Campbell Prize in 2022. She is also a filmmaker and academic who holds a PhD from Stanford University as well as master’s degrees in African Studies and Film from Ohio University. She has published research on Saartjie Baartman and she wrote, directed and edited the award-winning short film Graffiti. She lives in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

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How to buy tickets

The full FLF 2024 programme with session blurbs are now available on Webtickets.

  1. Browse programme and identify your sessions.
  2. Simply click on the “Book Now” button to be directed to Webtickets.
  3. You can then add the amount of tickets you want for your preferred sessions and it will be added to your cart.
  4. When you’re ready, click “Proceed To Checkout” and complete your purchase.