Vuyokazi Ngemntu

Vuyokazi Ngemntu is a writer-performer whose praxis uses poetry, song, storytelling and ritual to navigate ancestral trauma, confront inequality and inspire healing. Her work has appeared in The Kalahari Review, World Literature Today, African Voices, African Global Network, Herri, Ibua Journal, Short.Sharp.Stories, New Contrast, Ake Review, Pepper Coast Lit, The Culture Review, Aerodrome and elsewhere. Her poem Estranged is featured in The Sol Plaatje European Union Poetry Anthology 2023.

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How to buy tickets

The full FLF 2024 programme with session blurbs are now available on Webtickets.

  1. Browse programme and identify your sessions.
  2. Simply click on the “Book Now” button to be directed to Webtickets.
  3. You can then add the amount of tickets you want for your preferred sessions and it will be added to your cart.
  4. When you’re ready, click “Proceed To Checkout” and complete your purchase.