Melanie Verwoerd

Melanie Verwoerd is a former Member of Parliament, South African Ambassador to Ireland and Executive Director of UNICEF Ireland. She is a bestselling author, columnist and top-rated political analyst from Cape Town. 

Her previous books include her bestselling memoir When we Dance, The Verwoerd who Toyi-Toyied, Our Madiba and 21@21. She will release, Never Waste a Good Hysterectomy, early in 2023.

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How to buy tickets

The full FLF 2024 programme with session blurbs are now available on Webtickets.

  1. Browse programme and identify your sessions.
  2. Simply click on the “Book Now” button to be directed to Webtickets.
  3. You can then add the amount of tickets you want for your preferred sessions and it will be added to your cart.
  4. When you’re ready, click “Proceed To Checkout” and complete your purchase.