Marina Cantacuzino

Marina Cantacuzino is an award-winning journalist who has worked for most British mainstream publications including The Guardian, The Telegraph and Hello magazine. In 2003, in response to the invasion of Iraq, she embarked on a personal project collecting stories of people who had lived through trauma and injustice, and sought forgiveness rather than revenge. As a result Cantacuzino founded The Forgiveness Project and started speaking widely about forgiveness and restorative storytelling. Marina Cantacuzino was awarded an MBE for services to victims of trauma and abuse in 2021. Her latest book, Forgiveness: An exploration released in 2022.

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How to buy tickets

The full FLF 2024 programme with session blurbs are now available on Webtickets.

  1. Browse programme and identify your sessions.
  2. Simply click on the “Book Now” button to be directed to Webtickets.
  3. You can then add the amount of tickets you want for your preferred sessions and it will be added to your cart.
  4. When you’re ready, click “Proceed To Checkout” and complete your purchase.